Plato once said that the penalty of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being ruled by your inferiors. Napoleon said: history is just a set of lies agreed upon. Joe Biden said: we have been patient. But our patience is wearing thin. (re mandatory vaccine hesitation)
I have spoken repeatedly of the nobility of service and the dignity of authority. To rule is to serve. To lead is to follow. The true statesman does what he or she must for the common good. The real leader is that rare person with a noble vision for the future and the power of persuasion to guide others along that path to a better world, voluntarily!
We either create a virtuous ascending spiral of worth, wealth and wellbeing or a vicious descending spiral of deceit, decay and destruction. One path enhances the common good; the other eventually bankrupts the society it robs.

How is it that in a seemingly sane society we allowed the inmates of the insane asylum to usurp control? How did we let things go so terribly wrong?
These are pertinent questions we each need to ask ourselves and answer. Truthfully. Alone. It is not a trick, nor a ‘party’ question, but a sincere probing of the truth. For the truth will set you free. The only antidote to the deep state is deep reflection.
This honesty requires courage and tenacity for you must be prepared to follow it all the way to its natural conclusion. Did we get too comfortable? Were we deluded by the soft-spoken platitudes of supposed goodness? Did we get seduced by the diversity, equity, inclusion mantra that turned out to be just more manipulation of secret power and wealth?
Or were we just too lazy to care? Was it too good?
The polarisation, the censorship, the cancel culture, the deceit, the dishonesty, the disinformation, the surveillance, the gender creativity, the intimidation and social bullying, the lawfare, the warfare, the corruption and the steal. It was all just too much. The people needed to revolt and retake their power. Populism is the inevitable reaction to corruption.
Common sense and common decency needed to prevail.
We were supposedly going down a glorious path based in noble values, but those values were fraudulent and ended up being more ignoble than the ones they were supposedly fighting. It was not true diversity based on merit but just another elite imposed bias. It was not genuine equality of opportunity, but a false and imposed inequality based on false gender and racial preferences. It was not a real inclusivity of all, but one heavily biased against a select group.

How is it that in that supposed DEI epoch, income and wealth inequality soared to an all time high? How is it that the cancel culture was able to disenfranchise even highly noted professional people who dared to question the status quo at the whim of the powers that be? How is it that the government-deep state-elite (the corporatocracy) were able to entrench and gather more power at the expense of personal freedom and civil liberty?
These were not real and noble values that led to personal freedom but webs of deceit tightening the chains that bind us. We became more governed and less free. We were being marched, lockstep, down the road of economic and political servitude and serfdom.
As in all things, the pendulum has swung but it will swing back! Maintain your vigilance.