There are 2 gifts. The first is life – every breath is a sacred gift if only we were that aware! The second gift is free will choice with which we can do whatever we choose with the first. It is a bit like getting a car as a gift – one also needs the key to start the car.
So, it is impossible to talk about life without also talking about free will. Life is essentially a blank canvas upon which each of us writes or more accurately ‘projects’ our own unique and individual story.
This is the essential secret that is all too often overlooked in most self-help, positive psychology and spiritual texts. There are no fixed rules, commandments or edicts – we do get to create whatever we want by our choices. There is no secret. There is no mystery.
These choices then become decisions and intentions, and the manifestation process begins. Whether we do this with conscious awareness or in unconscious unknowing is again a free choice.
Once that mechanism is activated, it creates the inner and outer experience of those choices: we get to ‘test-drive’ our reality. We experience what we have created, and it is that experience that leads to learning. Did I enjoy that? Was that a good idea? Was that smart? Did that decision bring me good fortune or misfortune? Did I soar to the heights or dive to the depths?

Choice. Decision. Execution. Experience. Learning.
A very simple 5 step process that becomes our own life story and thus personal evolution. There is no God in heaven meting out judgement and punishment, just a very fair and simple process of experiencing the outcome or consequence of what we have created. What could be fairer than that?
It is exquisitely divine in its simplicity. Unfortunately, humanity has convoluted and distorted the process into one of immense complication, mystery and misery. But there is no mystery and in truth there is no need for misery. Life can be infinite joy. This life is not a dress rehearsal, nor a means to an end in an afterlife. Life is its own purpose. Life holds its own meaning.
Life is a gift to be enjoyed, to be savoured, to be lived and experienced in order to become more of who we are. To evolve into our own sacred beingness – our own divinity.
To be yourself. To trust your own inner being. To know who you are at your core. To honour that being is all that is required for a happy, successful and enjoyable life.
Be yourself. To thine own self be true. The Simplicity of Being