Adrian Emery
Adrian Emery
Philosopher, Author & Mentor

It is my contention that humanity stands at
the crossroads and needs urgently to reassess its fundamental premises or assumptions of how life works because plainly our lives do no longer work.

with a classically trained philosopher
Work with Adrian 1:1. Adrian offers mentorship sessions both at his retreat in the Blue Mountains, NSW and via ZOOM for your convience. Adrian is happy to create a tailored mentorship format that fits your unique requirements.
Does this sound like something for you?
In the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney
Welcome to rusticspirit on the tranquil side of Sydney’s beautiful Blue Mountains. rusticspirit is a very special and magical retreat – a boutique woodlands sanctuary nestled on the edge of Wollemi National Park.
This is also the place where Adrian offers 1:1 mentorship sessions in person.

About the paradigm shift of todays world
Personal Sovereignty is volume I in a 3 part series titled The Temple of Understanding which argues that humanity exists within an all-encompassing and pervasive misunderstanding of who we are, why we exist, where we have come from and where we are going to.